How do you make a super-atom? What can they be used for? What does this mean for quantum mechanics? I discuss these questions and more in today’s Ask a Spaceman!

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Thanks to Cathy Rinella for editing. SFX CC-0 credit: Freesound/FreqMan (crowd sounds)

Hosted by Paul M. Sutter, astrophysicist and the one and only Agent to the Stars (



Some physicists just don't get any love. There's this allure of astrophysics and high energy physics, and there's certain kinds of physics, fields and kinds of physicists and problems that physicists study that people love to hear about people. There are tons of news articles, entire websites and entire podcast devoted to certain topics in physics, which I get because it's super awesome and interesting and usually has cool pictures or mind blowing ideas. And but if you didn't know any better, you think that most physicists are trying to figure out string theory or big bang cosmology. And I wouldn't blame you because I spend the majority of my episodes on cool topics like that. But the actual majority and I mean majority of physicists don't work on that stuff at all. There are different branches to physics. You only get a PhD in physics like my PhD is in physics. But I specialize in astrophysics and cosmology.

There are lots of other physicists who also have PhD S in physics, who never touch that stuff, who don't care about Galaxies or the early universe who don't care about string theory and the unification of the forces. They just don't care about that. They're interested in other problems. One of those areas is condensed matter physics, a branch of physics that deals with stuff, all sorts of complicated atomic interactions that we never think about, or or at the best give surface level thought about like like the chair you're sitting in. There is a lot of very interesting, cool, intricate, complicated physics happening in the chair that you're sitting in right now to give it the properties that it does like. Why is it squishy instead of stiff? Why does it make that sound instead of another sound? When you shift around, how do the different molecules arrange themselves?

Uh, if I look at a metal a piece of metal where the six of the metal why is it reflecting light? Why is it behaving the way it does? If I look at this crystal structure, uh, held at a temperature just above absolute zero, why do these strange properties emerge that don't exist when it's at a higher temperature? Why do some things conduct and others don't? Why are superconductors sometimes possible? By the way I need to do a total episode on superconductivity, and you should totally ask me Why does the material world around us have the properties that it does? And you might think this might be in the realm of engineering or chemistry. And, yeah, condensed matter. Physicists work a lot with chemists. Work a lot with engineers if if if you see advertisement for this brand new material that makes planes 10% lighter and so we can save that, uh, those savings will not be passed on to you, but we're gonna make some more money, and it can be awesome for all of us.

Well, most of us, some of us. But it's gonna be awesome. There are going to be condensed matter physicists involved in that discovery. It's not just engineering. It's not just chemistry. Condensed matter. Physicists are the physicists who study stuff, and they study so much cool stuff. Once you get into the nerdy physics of it, which I love doing because I'm a nerdy physicist, it it's fascinating, the problems they're trying to understand and the solutions they're coming up with. But but they don't get a lot of air time, so let's fix it. Here we go. My my token episode on condensed matter physics unless we do an episode on superconductivity and we're gonna talk about super atoms first off the name. What could a super atom possibly mean? Well, a superhero is a hero that's more than a regular hero. A supernova is like a regular nova, but more so and super atom is like an atom that's well more so.

I do have to give a disclaimer here. The word Super Adam is kind of sort of an invention of mine. It's appeared in some news reports about the phenomenon that I'm going to describe. And don't worry. You will be delighted and amused by this phenomenon that I am going to describe. But like most other scientists, my friends and colleagues in condensed matter physics have a bit of a a bit of a naming problem. As in, none of us can name things very well. I'm right here. Astronomers are the worst when coming up with names for things and condensed matter. Physicists aren't far behind what I'm talking about here when I say the word super Adam is a rider polar on, and you've introduced a lot of weird jargon in the show, but that's a toughie that's a toughie to wrap around, Rid, Beg polar on Don't worry, we will dig into what the heck that means. But come on, let's just call it Super Atoms. It's right there. Take it. It's yours. It's free. You can have it. I don't need super atoms in cosmology or astrophysics.

You can take super atoms. Just write a paper with super atoms in the title and you're basically done. As with most jargony things physicists are using this term, real physicists are using this term super atom. But they mean it in different contexts in different situations, and it's not exactly standardized. So it's not an official jargon term. You just can't call a red bi polar on a super atom because it's a little bit ambiguous and no one really agrees. So if you want to use the word super atom, be prepared to not be taken seriously at your local commenced matter physics conference. Don't worry. We'll unpack, rid beg polar ons, uh, one step at a time, and I'm going to insist that we just officially call them Super Atoms anyway. Rider polar To get to rid, beg polar, we need to create a hybrid of two totally unrelated physics concepts and glue them together in an unholy Frankenstein's monster of atomic physics. In fact, Rid Poon super Atoms were only predicted to exist in 2016 and then first observed in 2018.

So this is pretty new stuff. This is cool stuff. Like I said, condense matter. Physics does some really interesting things with the world. The majority of physicists are condensed matter physicists and are concerned with studying the properties of the materials that we surround ourselves with and and trying to create new materials and understanding all sorts of complex spaces of matter and all sorts of complex situations. So this is new stuff, but we need two concepts to marry in order to get to rid, beg polo rods. The first concept is the rid. Beg atom. That's right. We're gonna start rid, beg polar ons with rid. Beg Adams Rider. What a rider who will meet Johannes Rider, Swedish scientist lived from the late 18 hundreds to the early 19 hundreds, great scientist middling mustache has studied things like atoms and electrons and energy levels. Before, we really understood things like atoms, electrons or energy levels. He was doing this was in the late 18 hundreds before we realized that exactly what atoms are made of, that they have this dense nuclear core and surrounded by shells of electrons and the electrons can jump in our energy levels.

Rider was studying all this before we knew it. So he was trying to understand it. Observation. And he noticed, like people had noticed before him, that certain atoms or molecules can give off certain frequencies of light. Uh, this we call this this spectrum of our particular element, like hydrogen, gives off very specific wavelengths light when you make it glow when you heat it up when you energize it, helium gives off, gives off a completely different, very specific set of frequencies of light. Very, very narrow lines. We call them like this frequency, that frequency and this other frequency, and then that's it. It doesn't emit any other kind of light. This is the history of spectroscopy. In a nutshell. Trying to understand what atoms are before he understood what atoms were. But rid beg noticed something very interesting when he would take a gas of atoms of some element and slowly heat it up. He would notice that Oh, he gets these spectral lines like the radiation emitted by these atoms are at a specific frequency and then a higher frequency and then a higher frequency and then a higher frequency, you know, more energy you He could start to see these higher and higher frequency wavelengths of light emitted by the elements.

But he noticed that there was this, like, diminishing returns where the jump from one energy level to the next was pretty big. Then the jump from the next frequency to the, uh the third one was not as big of a jump, and then not as big of a jump and then not as big of a jump. And then you get to the point where the jumps between energy levels or the jumps between frequencies, you rid. I'm using the word energy level. Rider didn't know about energy levels when he was studying this. He was just looking at frequencies of light. But you would see these differences between the frequencies get smaller and smaller and smaller the more and more energy they had. And then they just went away. Rider discovered a simple math expression that could describe the frequencies of the spectral lines and coming out of the elements and notice that the differences between the frequencies got smaller and smaller at higher and higher energies. You can imagine steps in a ladder where every step is a little bit closer to the step before it.

So at first you have big gaps, and then you have medium gaps and then small gaps and then tiny, tiny gaps. And then you have no steps at all. Anyway, he wrote down some math equations to describe this. We had no idea what was going on. It would take into the development of quantum mechanics a quarter century later, before we were able to explain how these emissions work in the first step in this understanding of how these frequencies were, why do atoms give off very specific frequencies of light in the first place? Why is it that as we go to higher and higher energies and higher and higher frequencies, that the differences between the frequencies get smaller and smaller? That's super weird. The first step to understand the understanding this was something called the bore model, thanks to Neil's Moore. Yes, I swear, someday I'm gonna do a full series on quantum mechanics rather than just introducing a bit in in bits and pieces here and there he developed something called the boor model of the Edom conveniently because because that was his name, he imagined it was like the first stab at a almost plausibly correct theory of how atoms worked.

He imagined a nucleus of an atom that was very dense and very small and overall, positively charged. And then he imagined these electrons as tiny little balls that were orbiting the atomic nucleus like planets orbiting the sun. You are probably incredibly familiar with the bore model of the atom. It's taught in high school physics. It's taught in college physics. Somehow, this picture of an atomic nucleus with electrons circling around it became the international symbol for all of science, which deeply perturbs me because it's it's dead wrong. The bore model of the atom is incorrect. That is not how electrons behave, and it's so frustrating, like somehow this is the symbol for science. But it's this Science is wrong. This picture is wrong. This is this picture that we're drawing to represent science of the little nucleus, and then the little electrons with the circles going around. It's a symbol for atomic energy, and it's just but it's wrong.

This is an in this is not even an incomplete picture. It's an incorrect picture. Atoms do not behave that way. Electrons do not behave like little tiny planets swimming around and circling an atomic nucleus. That's not how it works. But 100 years ago it was a pretty useful model because what BR introduced was the concept I teased earlier of energy levels where these electrons, they're orbiting the atomic nucleus. But they can only do it at certain fixed distances from the atomic nucleus. They couldn't have any old orbit they wanted. They had to have this orbit or that orbit or this one or that one. It was very, very specific, and electrons could move from one orbit to another and they went. If they went from a high orbit to a lower orbit, they emitted some energy in the emit. Energy emitted in the form of light matched the energy difference between those two orbital levels, so it shifts from orbital level 3 to 2.

That emits a very specific amount of energy, which means a very specific frequency of light, Boer was able to explain. Red Begs results with this picture, and an analogy I like to use is if we're gonna go all the way and draw our atom as a tiny little solar system, let's use it as an analogy. Let's imagine that the planets in our solar system can only have certain fixed orbits. You can't have any distance from the sun that you feel like you have to have very specific distances from the sun, and the planets can move from one orbit to the other. But they don't gently glide like from Mars orbit to Earth orbit. They just jump like a planet is in Mars orbit, and then it's in Earth orbit. And when this jump happens, our little atom emits some radiation with a very specific amount of energy, which means a very specific amount, which means a very specific frequency. Now, Rider's Result Rider found that the higher the energy, the smaller the difference is between the frequencies and in our little solar system.

On all this makes sense because, uh, the difference between Mars orbit and Earth orbit is huge. That's a giant difference. So you get this big difference in frequency because there's a big difference in energy. But then the difference between Mars orbit and Jupiter orbit isn't. There's not a big energy difference between those two. So if you jump from Earth to Mars or Mars to Earth, there's a big difference. If you jump from Mars to Jupiter. It's not so big if you jump from Saturn to Uranus. That's not that big. The energy difference between those orbits is not that big. And so the difference in frequency that you get at those higher energy levels is is gonna be lower. The difference will be lower. And then, if you jump from like Pluto to set way out there in the solar system, you're barely connected to the solar system in the first place. And so the energy differences are gonna be very, very tiny. And then eventually, if you give the planet too much energy and it jumps too far away, it just totally disconnects from the solar system altogether. And you get no more radiation because there's no more energy levels left and the electronics or the planet slash electron is just gone.

Like I said, the Bore model doesn't accurately describe what's happening inside inside of an atom, we actually need quantum wave functions. Quantum fuzziness. The picture you have in your head of how an atom works with a tiny little nucleus and a bunch of electrons whizzing around is totally wrong. And you should totally stop thinking about it forever. And any time you see that, uh, universal symbol for science, you just exit out for me, just cross it out or draw a bunch of squiggles to represent quantum wave functions. Instead, it's wrong. Well, except in certain special cases. But before I continue, I need to take a quick break for a word from our sponsor. Better help. Mental health is so important. And, you know, I'm a firm, firm advocate for mental health. You you take care of your body. You go to the doctor when things are a little off, or just do regular checkups with your doctor. You should also take care of your mind. I know a lot of you tune in to this show to just escape and relax and have your mind blown.

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Adam, Who cares what it is? Something heavy. It's got an atomic nucleus. It's got its electrons now, the full proper treatment of these electrons. It's all quantum based. There's wave functions, fuzziness. You're not ever sure exactly where the electrons are. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I will do an episode on quantum mechanics, I swear. But let's say one of those electrons, just one of them out of you know 50 or 100 that are in there has more energy than everybody else, and that would put it in a very, very distant orbital. It's like floating out there at the very edge of the atom, but not totally disconnected. It's not on its own, just flying away. It's still bound to the atom, but very, very loosely. What does that electron see from its perspective, way outside the atom and way further away from any other electrons? It sees essentially a hydrogen nucleus because you have all the positive charges of the all the protons crammed into the nucleus.

Then you have all the electrons in a very compact shell around that nucleus, and all those positive and negative charges cancel each other out from a great distance. Except for the one electron that's missing. That's way out here. So there's a tiny, tiny bit of positive charge at the center, just a tiny bit with the electron way out there, and this situation is actually pretty stable. There's no strong interactions to pull it back in the the nucleus, and the other electrons aren't exactly eager to bring in this wayward electron, and the electron also still needs some energy in order to escape completely. And so, without the addition of that extra energy, it's it's just gonna hang out there. There's There's no reason for it to shift these electrons when you have this situation where everyone's nice and compact. And then there's one electron that's just about ready to leave the atom. But not quite. In this case, there can be electrons thousands of times further away from the nucleus than the innermost electron, the solar system equivalent Here is the distance of the ORT cloud, compared to the distance between the Earth and the sun, thousands of times further out than the Earth, and you just reach the ORT cloud.

So imagine if you wanna build a model in your head of this atomic situation. You've got all the planets in the solar system. Those are the electron orbitals in their innermost shells around the atomic nucleus. And then you've got one electron sitting out here in the ORT cloud, wondering what's going on. This is interesting because when you have atoms. In this situation where one electron is really big, that electron is around a micrometer away from the atomic nucleus that's within the range of human vision. You can't see the individual electron and nucleus, of course, but the width of the atom is bigger than the smallest thing that we can see with our naked eyes. That's a big atom. And the weird thing is that lonely little electron that's so far out it's basically slowly orbiting around the around the nucleus. It loses a lot of its quantum fuzziness structure, all that wave function stuff that is essential to making quantum mechanics work into building an accurate picture of the atom. Uh, it turns out you don't need it, and that totally wrong, never use it.

Bore model is actually the best way to describe the scenario where, in this case, in this very specific and narrow case, you can actually describe this situation of an electron, really, really far away from its atomic nucleus as an electron orbiting physically orbiting an atomic nucleus, and that picture you have in your head of an atomic nucleus, with electrons circling around them in little orbits it is actually accurate because in this situation that Electron has lost its quantum mechanical nature and is just a classical particle orbiting a classical atomic nucleus. In this situation, it is called a red atom. Red be atom is when you have an electron that's almost kicked out of the atom altogether, but not quite. And it turns out that the bore model of orbiting electrons actually physically moving in circles a tiny little point of negative electro charge physically moving in a circle accurately describes how this electron behaves.

Any other situation in the bore model is wrong, and you need a full treatment of quantum mechanics to understand what's going on. But here it's useful. But how do we get from rid Adams to Red Beg polar ons? Well, for that, you need patreon patreon dot com slash PM. Sutter is how you keep the show going. If you're ever curious what you can do to support the show, it's patreon. That is the number one way. There are plenty of other ways, of course, but I truly, truly do appreciate it. Actually, you need Boz Einstein condensates, and you thought higher G physics and cosmology was nasty, but with all its overlapping multiple hierarchies of jargon. Well, welcome to the world of condensed matter physics, Bosie Einstein Condensates definitely deserve their own episode. Feel free to ask, but here's the short version. You've got two kinds of particles in the world, and so I want you to. By the way, the red be atoms. I. I just need you to bookmark that and put it off to the side.

We'll come back to it for now. We've got these two kinds of particles fermions and bosons. Fermions are the building blocks of matter. These are the electrons, the protons, the quarks, the neutrinos. You want to build something, you need a bunch of fermions. You are made of fermions. And then there are the bosons. The bosons are the, uh, force carriers. Uh, like the photon, it carries the electromagnetic force. The gluon carries the strong nuclear force. These are the force carriers of our universe. Typically, fermions and bosons obey different rules. Fermions are not allowed ever to share the same quantum state. They can't have the same energy level at the same time. There's also other things evolved in the quantum state like spin and all that, But you get the gist, whereas bosons can like if I have a box and I start filling it up with fermions like electrons, I can only fit so many fermions in the box.

No matter how hard I try, I can just pile them in there and I can fit a lot of electrons in a box, But eventually they're gonna spill over the top bosons. You can put as many bosons in a box as possible if you have a A box and you start shooting some light into it. Some electromagnetic radiation, some bosons. You can put as many bosons in there as you want because they can all overlap on top of each other. But I can sometimes turn fermions into bosons or get them to act like bosons. If I take an atom and it has an equal number of positive and negative charges, it can start behaving like a boson. If I take a bunch of atoms at high energies, as in normal everyday room temperatures, which for condensed matter physics, that is high energies, uh, they bounce around like little billiard balls. They just keep hitting each other, knocking each other over very partic and classically and not at all quantum. Mechanically, it's It looks like a bunch of a bunch of particles, a bunch of bouncy balls, all hitting each other. But if you cool them down, their quantum mechanical nature starts to come out more and more, they they fuzz out and you start to enter this world of probabilities and not exactly sure where the atoms are of the quantum mechanics wave function starts to take over.

You start to see more and more of their quantum nature just as a consequence of them cooling down. And if you keep cooling them and cooling them to like a millionth of a degree, they start reaching lower and lower quantum mechanical energy states. And this is where fermions would start to stack up on top of each other, each one only taking one state at a time. So no matter how cold you got the box, even absolute zero, you would only ever get a box full of fermions. Uh, this is their defining property. Even at zero temperature, the Fermions cannot share a state, and so they pile on top of each other. And if you put too many in they'll spill over the top. But when atoms have an equal number of positive and negative charges, they act like a boson instead, and bosons can share a state. And so, at cold temperatures, they share the same state as they cool off each individual atom. It's it's quantum, mechanical, fuzzy wave. Nature starts to come out more and more.

But then all those wave functions start to overlap into a single one, and they essentially act as a single unified hole, which we call a Bose Einstein condensate. Imagine putting people in a party, and when everything's just right, they all start grooving. You know, there's that certain magical thing where everyone is just having a good time, and that is a Bose Einstein condensate. I don't know if I've ever been to a party like this, but you can imagine where there's a party and you're just bringing people in. And everyone is just getting along and grooving and feeling the music, and it just feels so good and you don't need to change with fermions. Eventually they'll be like, Oh, look, there are too many people. This place is way too popular. This place is way too crowded. I'm out of here. But bosons are like, Hey, the more the merrier. And here's where the magic of super atoms starts to come in. Take a bunch of atoms, cool them down so that they become a Bose Einstein condensate. Now find one of those atoms in particular any random one will do.

You just find it one you're not particularly fond of. And then you app it just a little, just a little bit of energy so that one of its electrons almost wanders away, but doesn't quite where that electron is not disconnected from its atomic home but very, very far away at a super high energy level. Very, very distant orbit. It's way out there in the Ord Cloud, it becomes a red atom. So now you've got a situation where the electron of the rid beg Atom is really far away from its home nucleus. But because all the atoms in the entire condensate are all crammed together in the same quantum state, there are now a bunch of other atoms sitting between the electron and its nucleus Experimentally. We've done this. We've observed hundreds of other atoms crammed into the same volume as the Rid Beg Atom. Let's go back to our solar system analogy. Imagine you've got a solar system and you've taken one of the planets and put it out at the distance of the or cloud.

It's very far away from the sun but still bound to the sun. It's not wandering off into interstellar space. It is technically bound to the sun in a part of our solar system. But then you take a bunch of other solar systems and cram them into that same volume. You just move me, take this star and all of its family of planets and move it in. And then this star over here with its family of planets, move it in. And so, in the distance between the sun and the edge of the Ord Cloud, which is like half a light year away or something ridiculous in that space, you put in a bunch of other solar systems. This is what we're doing when we create a Bose Einstein condensate and then turn one just one of the atoms into a red beg atom. Now, you might think that this situation is super unstable, because if you put a solar system, a few solar systems inside of our solar system. Things are gonna get knocked around. Things are gonna get messed up. You're gonna think this party is about to get really uno. But actually not the weird physics of the Bose Einstein condensate actually stabilizes the situation and keeps everything grooving.

Even though we have atoms literally stuffed inside of other atoms, I mean it. It does eventually fall apart in a few microseconds. But for atomic physics, a few microseconds is a really, really long time. It's like saying the party doesn't last long because it only goes the whole night. This situation where we create a rid, beg atom inside of a Bose Einstein condensate and allow other atoms to cram into the volume. The space between the atomic nucleus and its outermost electron is actually weirdly stable. We're almost there, folks. We've got a Bose Einstein condensate. We have rid atoms with other regular atoms stuffed inside of them. Now, what about the name? What the heck is a polar on? Well, then wandering electron way out there at the edge of its home way out there in the ork cloud, the atomic ORT cloud. It does influence its environment. You know, it's a negative charge. It's it's got power, it's got influence. It can do things.

It matters. It's a negative charge wandering way out there. And there's some atomic nuclei nearby, or atoms near it in its vicinity, closer to it than its home nucleus. And what does that negatively charged electron do? Well, it tends to shift the positively charged nuclei towards it, and it tends to push the other electrons away from it. So if I if I have an electron just sitting here and I bring an atom close to it, the atomic nucleus of that atom will be attracted to the electrons, so it'll shift a little bit closer to it. And then the electrons of that atom will not want to be near that extra electron and will tend to push away from it. It's a very tiny effect, is a very subtle effect, but it's a measurable effect, and it's like a population wide effect. If this electron starts wandering around, it's gonna induce a an effect that that's larger than itself. And when this happens in condensed matter systems, physicists have found that it's easier instead of trying to describe OK, we have an electron and a bunch of atoms, and they're gonna respond to this the motion of the electron and where it is, they they pay attention.

So if the electron shifts left, then all the nuclei are gonna point left. And if it goes over to the right and all the nuclei are gonna orient themselves to go to the right, they're gonna follow it around. In a sense, they have found, physicists have found that it's easier to describe this situation as a whole rather than all the individual parts they call them. In my extension, we call them quasi particles, quasi particles where, instead of trying to describe this complicated situation of an electron and then all the atomic nuclei around it and and keeping track of everything, you can just zoom out a little bit and look at the entire influence that this electron is having on the structure that it's embedded in and all the atoms that it's embedded in and describe that instead. And those are called quasi particles. You might be familiar with a certain kind of quasi particle if you hit something, and it makes a sound or it vibrates.

Those vibrations. Quantum mechanically are called phonon, and those are quasi particles because one way to describe when I hit something and it makes the sound or it vibrates, I could describe the individual motion of every single particle, uh, moving in this complex condensed matter structure. But that gets so burdensome and so nasty. It's easier to find an alternate description that treats the pH on that vibration as its own particle that is moving around. I should do an episode on phonon. Please feel free to ask, so we can shed some more light on the physics of that. But those are called quasi particles, and when you are dealing with a negatively charged electron in a bath of atoms and the effect that that electron has on the atoms, those are called polar ons because poles like electric pulse, positive and negative charges aligning themselves. And there we go. We have atoms stuffed inside of other atoms that are described as a single unit, not just as some of its parts.

We have a rid be polar. It's like an atom, but more so. A super Adam Thank you to Turtle, 27 20 on YouTube. Andrew C on YouTube. How to oh, I get it now. Hout saus on YouTube and Dan M on YouTube for the questions that led to today's episode. Also thank you to my top patreon contributors this month. That's patreon dot com slash PM Sutter Justin G, Chris Barbara K Duncan M Corey D, Justin Z, Nate H, Andrew Aaron S, Scott M, Rob H, Justin Lewis, John W, Alexis Aaron J, Jennifer M, Gilbert M, Joshua Bob H, John S, Thomas D and Michael R It is your contributions and everyone else's that keeps this show going. I truly do appreciate it, but, hey, if you don't want to contribute financially totally cool, I'll still keep doing this. Could you do me a favor, though, and drop a review on iTunes? I really do appreciate it. Tell your friends about it or ask me some questions about superconductivity or phonon and all the other wonderful things in condensed matter physics, because they deserve the love, too.

Send me questions hashtag ask a spaceman. I'm on our social channels, as at Paul Mats Sutter. Ask a spaceman at gmail dot com or go to the website Ask a spaceman dot com to check out all the old episodes, and we'll see you next time for more complete knowledge of time and space. I'm a sushi chef. I also happen to be a cat. How did I get here? Adobe Photoshop. It turned a cute kitty like me into a sashimi master, and it can make your images look amazing, too. In just a few clicks, you can replace a boring background, swap out a so so sky and remove distractions like people in power lines. With Photoshop. Everyone can. I love playing with this mouse. Click or tap the banner to visit Photoshop dot com and pounce on your free trial today.

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